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The Ability of the Senses to Survive Death

Writer's picture: The Paranormal is NormalThe Paranormal is Normal


If an afterlife is suggested as part of our future reality, commonly accepted afterlife characteristics such as those stated in the Bible, or in other esoteric literature - to my mind, deserve analysing using current science knowledge - to at least see whether there seems likely any credibility whatsoever to the suggestion of an afterlife for us all. After all, science rather than assertions and dogma is surely the only reliable measure one should use to understand the world around us, and to explore satisfactorily the likelihood of any possible future afterlife reality. For example, the Bible speaks of eternal life, as do written records associated with most other religions. Also, most esoteric literature.

While the majority may consider this scientifically absurd, it is most certainly plausible when one looks at the very small (i.e. subatomic particles) and the attributes of quantum physics - which apply fully to subatomic particles, but only partly to macro sized physical objects such as us. Time cancels out of all quantum mechanics equations; so, time does not exist near to, or at a subatomic level - the realm where quantum physics mainly applies. This is also supported by the estimated life of most major subatomic particles, which is beyond the life of the universe, with photons determined as having probably an infinite life. Without time, entropy could not exist and therefore, neither decay.

Fortuitously perhaps (or more likely by design?) - with regard to ourselves in a fully quantum post-death environment, it is not difficult to imagine without a body or brain that the size likely left would occupy a very small space indeed, possibly even that of a photon-type characteristic and subatomic size. (Visual reports suggest afterlife entities often appear as small “orbs”.) Obviously, to survive, one’s consciousness/soul would need to contain an extremely capable brain-type processing function together with a full range of sensory functions. However, the collective size of this could be physically very small, as even a paramecium, with a total average length of 10 microns (about 100th of a millimetre), exhibits both consciousness and purposeful behaviour. (Scott-Hill, 57)

(As an aside, my suggestion as to one’s soul forming part of the human entity is based on a large body of esoteric literature (e.g. including Buddhist literature) which suggest that we each contain a ‘spark’ of God. But given our concept of both conscience and prayer, it makes some sense that we always carry that attribute along with us, whether we ignore our conscience or not. It also has affinity with the idea of a personal God whom we can interrelate and pray to at any time.)

We have therefore established at this point, that that for size considerations alone, plus eternal life; the post-death physics environment that must surround us, must be entirely quantum, which means it cannot be either Newtonian or Einsteinian.

Sensory Functions

Moving on to the subject of this article, sensory functions comprise the five well known attributes of sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste. Clearly in an afterlife, since eyes do not survive death, some other method of vision which does not rely on eyes must be available, hopefully equal or greater than our current sight. Our existing sight has only fairly recently been found to be attributable to what is known as the PCAR (Phase Conjugate Amplitude Resonance) quantum bio-communication system, little known but discovered by German scientist Walter Schempp in 1992. It is similar to a bat’s echo-location system, but considerably more complicated. See, (Scroll down to view)

It provides a full three dimensional simulated and virtual representation of a perceived object out in space and exactly in the same place as the actual object, so that the object and our perception of the object coincide exactly. This is of course a critical survival criterion on earth as it allows an organism to accurately see and locate objects in three dimensions (especially predators, and for food). However, in an afterlife situation, since predators are unlikely; the criticality of exact spatial information obtained by eyes is no longer required. Fortuitously (again) perhaps (or by design?), the PCAR communication system is a fully quantum system, so since this is a requirement as indicated above, it is well suited for an afterlife environment.

Fish in pools in underground caves, do not have eyes. They have adapted to their constantly dark environment and are confined mostly to small pools. However, they obviously have some vision necessary to cope in their environment, but clearly do not require the precise spatial vision required and provided by eyes. Similarly, where experimentally a steel plate is placed vertically through a termite’s nest, termites must still have some form of vision, as they are still able to align passageways brilliantly through the nests on either side of the steel plate without the need for eyes.

In all such cases where eyes are not used, yet some degree of vision perception is obtained the facility is called, “remote viewing” - a term mainly applied to military applications (the generic term for this facility is “clairvoyance”). Remote viewing was used extensively successfully throughout World War II for spying by the USA on Russia. The visual system involved is again the PCAR communication system mentioned above which ubiquitously is the universal communication system used by all living creatures for vision perception, whether they have eyes or not.

The protocol often used for “remote viewing” today, is simply by using thought directed at the target, plus the motivators of “attention” and “intent” while the viewer is in a relaxed state. Use of an icon or cue e.g. by touching a photograph (called, “psychometry”) or drawing a picture of the target (to attain interference with quantum waves surrounding it) is often used as it assists establishment of the PCAR standing quantum waves to link with the target. Although exact spatial accuracy vision is unlikely under these circumstances, the system nevertheless has been shown to be surprisingly robust enough to have enabled an amazing 360-degree vision of target objects thousands of miles away in some remote viewing spying situations. It is noteworthy though that in these cases, the protocol and system used is different and instead is aimed at attaining a full OOB (out of body) condition. The viewer lies down with eyes closed, endeavours to attain a ‘delta’- sleep degree of relaxation and is guided by voice to the target to gain whatever information is available by an expert monitor. The monitor also draws any diagrams based on the viewer’s spoken advice in order to ensure the viewer is not distracted in any way.

OOB states as with NDE (near death experiences) states, both involve the mind/consciousness, allied processor system and soul completely leaving the body. So, on this basis their collective ability to leave and return to one’s body with all senses adequately operative in both earth and a post-death environment, is surely proven by this alone. It has also been verified repeatedly and operationally over many years. (Scott-Hill, 164-188)

Focussing now on all remaining senses other than vision. They all similarly operate using the same Schempp’s PCAR system, which independently from Schempp’s work, has been verified by a number of separate experiments by Pribram on cats. He found that smell, touch and hearing also operate by the brain analysing holographic resonating frequencies - just as vision is first converted into quantum holograph type visual images, sound is first converted into acoustic images, touch into tactile images, and hearing into sonic images - prior to brain processing. The vibratory based attributes of both touch and hearing is of course ideal for interacting with the quantum PCAR bio-communication system. (Scott-Hill, 82/83)

However, in the case of smell and taste, the accepted science view prior to 2013, was that they could be theoretically be explained by chemical reactions. In particular that our sense of smell was said to result from the shapes of applicable molecules in the air that we inhale. According to this hypothesis, receptors in our nose that are tuned to these particular molecular shapes pick up on and identify them, resulting in the sensation of smell. Since then, research by Dr Jennifer Brooks of the University of London has found that that the molecular shape theory was inadequate. Instead, quantum vibrations of the actual chemical bonds themselves were found to provide the discriminating characteristic for both smell and taste. (Scott-Hill, 83)

Summing up, while suggested at the beginning of this article that, “While the majority may consider an afterlife as scientifically absurd”, the science above surely shows the opposite is likely.” Also, that, “Senses are not only likely to be able to survive death based on science alone, but the reality of OOB and NDE occurrences demonstrate this.” Noteworthy also is the recent discovery that both smell and taste, as with all other senses rely on quantum physics - the very attribute determined above as necessary to be functional in an afterlife existence - in order to attain immortality.

Finally, as a footnote which may be of interest:

Human speech is certainly not considered a sense but is surely worthy of some discussion in this context due its obvious loss at death, or in OOB or NDE states (where the body is left behind temporarily). Again, in the case of speech, the quantum PCAR system comes to the rescue - in that when the body is left behind for any cause temporary or otherwise, telepathy still functions for the consciousness/soul etc. Superior attributes of telepathy compared with speech are well served by quantum characteristics including the non-local holograph attributes of the PCAR system, since this allows instantaneous transfer of thoughts independent of distance even to the other side of the universe if necessary. In a fully quantum afterlife environment, telepathy and all other paranormal systems e.g. teleporting to enable travel at near light speed or beyond, are thought to perform strongly, whereas on earth these including telepathy, are considered weak by comparison e.g. telepathy can routinely be demonstrated on earth by a sender speaking a target recipient’s name, which can then readily be detected by a corresponding spike in blood pressure using a sphygmomanometer connected to the recipient’s arm. Universally the recipient is normally completely unaware of the telepathic signal - except in crisis type situations when emotions are high.


Scott-Hill, Alastair Bruce “The Paranormal is Normal (The Science Validation to Reincarnation, the Paranormal and your Immortality)”, CopyPress. 2016

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