The Paranormal is Normal
Book Reviews
REVIEW by Dr Dennis Grega, Ph.D (on October 21, 2016).
The major contributions of Scott-Hill in writing such a book as this are manifold. The most important may be what Scott-Hill calls the Phase Conjugate Adaptive Resonance system, shortened to the PCAR, a communication system that ties all of life together at the quantum level and makes sense of all the pieces of paranormal research outlined in this book. It is based upon Walter Schempp’s pioneering work and as Scott-Hill says, “Schempp’s later work, followed by recent experiments carried out by many others, have shown that all sensory information received by the brain is quickly converted by the brain from images, vibrations from eardrums etc. into what is now regarded as the universal language of the zero point field and therefore the universe - namely quantum interference patterns. Since these are quantum, the interference patterns exhibit holography (and its inherent ability to contain vast quantities of information). Likewise, their interactions can be transferred instantly to the zero-point field, which would then be similarly instantly capable of being retrieved from anywhere in the universe. Therefore, an imprint for each of us, all our actions, what we see, hear, touch and smell, and even think, is no doubt constantly being passed onto the zero-point field enveloping us all, and the universe.” (page 62). The extrapolation of this system to validate paranormal findings is thoroughly convincing.
Scott-Hill also presents a decisive case for the existence of what I will call here, the “Great Designer” or what others may wish to call “God” or “Great Spirit” or “All That Is”. The intricate, precise inner and outer workings of all of life are too great to attribute to chance or accident. Consciousness as an epiphenomenon of physical brain activity, as most materialist scientists would have you believe, is also shown to be a myth and that Consciousness is the forerunner and creative force behind all physical and non-physical existence.
Scott-Hill describes in wonderful detail how this information can be used by everyone to better their life on a daily basis. In essence, this book is not based upon theory but also provides practicality in that how life truly operates can be understood and utilized to better current physical conditions if such improvement is desired.
Finally, not only does Scott-Hill talk the talk, but he walks the walk in his book. Since he unquestionably answers all of the deep questions of life and validates the existence of life after death as well as non-physical reality, he also presents and interweaves information from non-physical sources throughout the book, particularly from the multi-dimensional entity who called himself Seth and was channelled via the extraordinary medium, Jane Roberts. On top of the hard science that is presented in this book, and the compelling evidence from “paranormal” research, the prescience of the information provided over 50 years ago by this entity and that has been validated by recent research is really the icing on the cake.
As I mentioned at the beginning of this review, I believe this book is the beginning of a reawakening of science to its true purpose, that of discovering the “whys” of life. I think if this was required reading in high school and/or university in classes pertaining to science and religion, a growing number of young adults would learn to look at life quite a bit differently than they do now. Also, for those past their schooling years, hope and inspiration would be garnered by learning that we truly are immortal beings and that everything we do in life has substance and is meaningful. Thank you Alastair Bruce Scott-Hill for your years of research and finally writing a book such as this”.
“I began chuckling midway through the first chapter, and by the end of the first appendix on Darwinism and Atheism, it had turned into a large guffaw, as I envisioned skeptics, materialist scientists, atheists, and Darwinists jumping their philosophical ships, having been riddled with holes by the information contained in this book. Even the “cold reading” and “evolutionary” lifeboats, which these madmen use as a last “retort”, when all else is failing, were no longer floatable. Nothing was left salvageable of these belief systems by the end of this book, “The Paranormal - Is Normal”. Nothing.
This is a landmark book, one that will signify to many a turning point in this civilization’s finally acknowledging the existence of non-physical reality and a beginning of science’s transition from investigating “how” things work to its original purpose of discovering “why” things work as they do. That purpose was derailed centuries ago by a materialist philosophy that was initially set up to combat the infringing, non-scientific views of religionists. However, it too, like the views it was defending itself against, went overboard and became a religion in its own right, leaving people with no answers, and only dogmas to choose from. Which is where many find themselves today, except now there is a book to turn to that delivers the answers that many have long sought after.
Alastair Bruce Scott-Hill, a professional communications and information technology systems engineer, spent many years gathering and interpreting the research results of standard, classical science, and those of alternative science, bringing together a mosaic of findings that provides a beautiful and realistic picture of physical and non-physical reality. His background explains why he is able to point out the fallacies in Darwinian evolution theory, i.e. information in/information/out concepts, his in-depth understanding of Schempp’s PCAR communication system, and finally distributed processing /cloud computer analogy with free knowledge availability in our universe (plus the virtual reality analogy example) in Chapter 9.
Weaving together the findings of physics, particularly at the quantum level, evolutionary and epigenetic biology, social anthropology, archaeology, astronomy, medicine, neurology and computer science he substantiates and finds decisive support for the “paranormal” scientific findings in the areas of ESP, reincarnation, remote viewing, out-of-body experiences, past and between-life regression, mediumistic and channeling information, clairvoyance and telepathy. While it would be impossible to list all of the scientists here that Scott-Hill reports upon in his book, some of the more well-known are physicists Paul Davies, David Bohm, John Wheeler, Werner Heisenberg, Albert Einstein, astronomers Sir Fred Hoyle and Owen Gingerich, biologists Robert Lanza, Stephen Jay Gould, James Watson, Francis Crick, James Lovelock, mathematicians, Emile Borei, Walter Schempp, Sir Roger Penrose, neurologists/physiologists/neurosurgeons, Wilder Penfield, Sir John Eccles, Karl Pilbram, Karl Lashey. The research on the “paranormal” side, which as you will find out upon reading this book, is merely the other side of the same coin, of J.B. Rhine, Robert Monroe, Dean Radin, Gary Schwartz, Julie Beischel, Charles Tart, Harold Puthoff, Ian Stevenson, Robert Jahn, Jessica Utts, Michael Talbot, Rupert Sheldrake and Michael Newton is used to support both the seriousness and validity of paranormal research and the tremendous impact such findings can have upon one’s view of life.
For those who are coming to such a book as Scott-Hill has written for the first time, you will soon realize that there is a plethora of evidence for non-physical reality. However, you will not be overwhelmed by the amount of “case studies” reported upon in this book. Scott-Hill has meticulously chosen some of the most compelling cases in each paranormal research paradigm to support the validity of non-physical reality. In keeping with his constraint to report upon research that is scientifically reliable and verifiable, these are supported either through the use of standard experimental protocols or via observation by large numbers of reliable witnesses.
Dennis Grega is a research psychologist and a joint convenor of the largest afterlife website on the internet, www.AfterlifeData.com.
REVIEW by Michael Tymn, Editor, The Journal for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies
“Because Science can’t see, identify, or find God in a microscope or telescope, many people rationalize that there is nothing more, after this material life - that there is no such thing as a soul that survives death in a spiritual world. Alastair (Bruce) Scott-Hill was of that mind-set until he began exploring scientifically areas outside the boundaries of mainstream science, territory beyond discernment with any man-made instrument. His explorations took him over some very rough terrain and through murky waters, territory in which only the most resolute survive. The few who do survive usually struggle to explain their findings in language that most can comprehend. But Scott-Hill, with skills honed in a 35-year career as a professional communication engineer and information technology systems designer, is able to translate the seemingly complex, into a relatively simple system. He tells of finding an afterlife - the survival of consciousness after death - supported by quantum physics and with scientific evidence founded in reincarnation research, mediumship, out-of-body experiences, and other paranormal phenomena. Where science generally offers only despair, Scott-Hill offers hope that goes beyond the blind faith of orthodox religion and into providing true afterlife validation and belief for us all.”
Mike Tymn, a 1958 graduate of the School of Journalism (B.A. Public Relations) at San Jose State University, is considered one of the world’s foremost living experts on evidential afterlife studies. In particular in the provision of an unparalleled coverage of evidence concerning mediumship over a very large historical time period in his six published books to date. A number of these are bestsellers. He has contributed more than 1,600 articles to some 40 newspapers, magazines, journals, together with his six afterlife books over the past 60 years. He won the 1999 Robert H. Ashby Memorial Award given by The Academy of Religion and Psychical Research for his essay on “Dying, Death, and After Death.
REVIEW by Robert McLuhan
“A clearly written, well researched and richly detailed meditation on the reasons, scientific and experiential, for a belief in the survival of death and reincarnation. Against those who hold that modern science has invalidated such ideas, Bruce Scott-Hill is surely right to insist on the many ways in which they are in fact supported by post-classical physics. A stimulating read!”
Robert McLuhan, Robert McLuhan gained a First in English Literature at Oxford University, then worked as a foreign correspondent for the Guardian in Spain and Portugal before becoming a freelance journalist. He has been a member of the Society for Psychical Research since 1993. McLuhan writes columns for a number of English newspapers and has authored three books to date including his latest, Randi’s Prize: What Sceptics Say About the Paranormal, Why They Are Wrong, and Why It Matters. He is editor of “Paranormia”, a website which deals with consciousness, spirituality, and psychic research.
REVIEW by Rev. Michael D S Cocks, a former Anglican vicar, Christchurch, New Zealand
“Alastair (Bruce) Scott-Hill, a Professional Engineer, [...] has had a number of major paranormal experiences, and with his strong interest in open-minded science, he has spent the past sixteen years intensively studying what quantum physics and other disciplines might have to explain these experiences and the paranormal in general. An especial interest of his has been the question of reincarnation. Bruce set himself the task of producing a “beyond all reasonable doubt” understanding of the truth of the matter. As might be expected of such a writer, his presentation is clear, logical and concise: and I found it convincing. I find it illuminating, fascinating and expect to refer to it, again and again. I have studied the field in which Scott-Hill writes for many years, and am glad to say that where previously I felt confused, I am now less so.
In the first Chapter of his book [...] Scott-Hill explores the issue of creation by design or by chance in great detail, and exposes the absurdity of the notion of “chance”. Design implies conscious mind, and the rest of the book explores this from many points of view. I outline his arguments a little more fully because denying Darwinism sounds heretical. I am however convinced by his arguments. The idea of a Creator or creative process is considered in relation to Beauty, then the Laws of Physics, and especially the “Big Bang”, the fine-tuning of the universe, the ever-increasing complexity.
He summarises with:
“Principle 1 - A non-physical timeless (but contingent) quantum-like realm beyond our current physical existence is possible, where things and events respond directly to consciousness/intention.
Principle 2 - The Universe overwhelmingly exhibits design, information, intelligence and mind. It is also biocentric, therefore providing compelling evidence not only for a creator/God as the first cause but with its purpose including the creation of all life.”
Chapter 2 – Non-Physical Reality, Independence of the Mind from the Brain, Consciousness and Immortality. Here he explores the realm depicted by physicists, non-local causation, including quantum-entanglement, the EPR effect, and the holographic universe. All familiar ground for me. But I was struck by this quote: “One of the most shattering concepts which follows from acceptance of a holographic universe theory is that, at the quantum or non-physical level, information does not travel through time and space from one ‘physical’ location to another; instead, the subatomic particles themselves simply seem to exist in a dimension which renders time and space (i.e. distance), irrelevant.” Surely here lies a key to understanding a great many paranormal phenomena, otherwise inexplicable. Scott-Hill explores this in fascinating detail in an Annex to Chapter 4 “Further considerations of Time and Space.”
Bruce then explores whether mind resides in the brain. His answer, of course, is No, and he explores this at length but keeping the reader eager to read what next is to follow. He then remarks, “In short, consciousness creates reality!” “we continuously and unconsciously actually create our own separateness and reality-based in time” “the universe is purely mental: .. mind is fundamental; matter merely an illusion - and that this is physics, not philosophy (or religion).” “We are immortal!”
This review will be too long if I attempt to discuss the whole book. But I will quote the other “Principles” by which he summarises his main points as he proceeds:
“Principle 3 - Mind is primary, as with consciousness. Consciousness creates reality. We are immortal.
Principle 4 - The physics exists, such that on death, our consciousness, mind, memory (i.e. one’s psyche and soul) plus senses could transfer and exist in a timeless realm.
Principle 5 - Recent scientific advancements can now explain the paranormal, psychic ability and the ability to communicate with discarnates or other entities in other realities. Principle 6 - The science of time and space supports belief in reincarnation.
Do explore this book.”
Rev. Michael D S Cocks gained Honours in Theology at Oxford, and Honours degrees in Philosophy and Psychology in New Zealand, and read at St Catherine’s, and also at Ripon Hall - a modern theological college. Michael has published two books, “the Afterlife Teaching from Stephen the Martyr” and “Into the Wider Dream: Synchronicity in the Witness Box.” For this book Michael was awarded finalist status in the 2015 Ashton-Wylie Book Prize. He is currently editor of “The Ground of Faith” website.